
Boost productivity with detailed scheduling

Detailed scheduling connects higher-level planning to the shop floor and operations. It plays a vital role in bringing strategic and tactical plans to action.

However, this task is challenging because dynamic production environments have complex rules for executing strategies on the shop floor. Keeping the plan realistic and executable requires razor-sharp focus and scheduling tools to help planners focus on their duties instead of worrying about updates and other issues.

Roima Intelligence has partnered with the world’s leading advanced planning and scheduling tool, PlanetTogether APS, to help manufacturers increase their productivity. Below, we have outlined some key aspects of considering a scheduling solution.

Gantt chart - heart of the scheduling tool

The most crucial aspect of any scheduling tool is the Gantt chart, which shows the operations flow. A flexible view highlighting minute details improves planning efficiency, significantly reducing planners' time looking for specific information in a production schedule. Multiple groups use the Gantt chart. Every group needs access to particular information and a feature to customize views according to their requirements.

A significant chunk of a planner's job is adapting to the situation. He needs a tool that tweaks the plan automatically to align with the defined rules. For example, the subsequent operations will suffer if a player delays a work order operation. Unless the previous operation concludes, new ones cannot begin.

When planners understand that their plan remains feasible after the manual intervention, they can align it with stakeholders' expectations and resolve problems affecting production efficiency.

Stay in total control of your inventory: Plan smart and stay lean

Recent supply chain disruptions have reinforced the importance of material visibility. Scheduling tools must shed light on the consequences of delayed purchase orders. Scheduling tools are a lifesaver for companies because they automatically postpone jobs when materials are unavailable on time.

Moreover, the scheduling tool lists all work orders that suffered delays due to material shortages. Based on the insights, the planner can investigate and identify ways to optimize material purchases and availability.

Similarly, if customers order products late, there is no point in purchasing materials beforehand.

PlanetTogether’s Gannt charts offer a detailed view of inventory levels during the planning horizon. This way, planners can monitor planned inventory levels and create alerts to flag situations where inventory levels rise beyond a certain level.

Optimize the schedule and focus on exceptions

The modern planning approach uses automated logic to create the schedule's first version and identify the pain points later. This approach allows planners to focus on pressing issues instead of performing routine updates. Technology is helpful, but it's unwise to trust it blindly.

Sometimes, the planner’s knowledge and experience play a pivotal role. The so-called tribal knowledge and practical approach to problem-solving is necessary to override the automated logic's decisions. Ultimately, the planner retains complete control of the scheduling process.

When optimizing schedules, planners must adjust to meet customer-specific goals and targets. Understand that every company is unique with different production environments. A perfect production schedule does not exist because priorities can change unexpectedly. Planners must have faith in the schedule optimization process.

An integral aspect of this process is determining priorities in the schedule at any given time. PlanetTogether’s optimization engine rapidly generates schedules according to the current priorities and business requirements using weighted software’s in-built KPIs tools.

Explore options with scenarios

An ideal scheduling tool must have a simulation feature that creates multiple scheduling scenarios without disrupting the present schedule. PlanetTogether APS allows planners to create unlimited “What-If” scenarios to show the impact of prioritizing different, often competing, goals into the schedule.

Creating different scenarios is only half the job. Planners must compare all the scenarios and make well-informed decisions. Comparing and analyzing complex schedules in detail can be challenging and time-consuming. Therefore, using well-defined KPIs facilitates quick comparison and evaluation of these scenarios and helps choose the best schedule.

Labor planning

Companies often want advice on how to include labor in the scheduling process. Employees often face restrictions while performing tasks based on their skills and qualifications. So, employees with specialized skills could be at a major disadvantage. Matching each employee's profile and skills with the scheduling system is not a practical solution.

How do you address such a situation? Pooling employees with specific skills to optimize the scheduling process makes sense. PlanetTogether APS supports planning for skilled labor. Knowing how many employees you need to execute a planned schedule is sometimes enough.

However, in other cases, it would be best to constrain the schedule based on resource availability, especially during schedule optimization. It’s best to model labor usage in detail during schedule optimization to ensure the schedule is realistic and executable.

Planlægning i forhold til prognoser

I nogle situationer er det tilrådeligt at planlægge, så man følger prognoserne (helt eller delvist). Det er vigtigt at forstå, at prognoserne skal tage højde for usikkerheder og justeringer i sidste øjeblik for at sikre smidighed.

Desuden er det vigtigt at skelne mellem faktiske og potentielle ordrer (fleksible ordrer eller ordrer, der måske skal eksekveres). Hvis du kender forskellene, kan du styre dem bedre. Vigtigst af alt er det at opsætte forecast netting for at holde sig informeret om indgående ordrer. På den måde kan du reducere antallet af forecastede ordrer og eliminere risikoen for dubletter.


Det er ikke muligt at drive et planlægningsværktøj isoleret. Virksomheder skal integrere det med MES, forsyningskædeplanlægning på højt niveau, ERP-systemer og andre systemer/software. Det er vigtigt at sikre, at dataejerskabet stemmer overens med forretningsprocesserne i løbet af processen med at designe integrationen, så der sikres hurtig adgang til og mulighed for at ændre data i systemet.

Roima har stor erfaring med at implementere MES-systemer, planlægningssystemer og andre løsninger til virksomheder i forskellige brancher. Bruger du AVEVA MES, eller har du planer om at implementere det i din virksomhed?

Roima kan tilbyde dig en integreret løsning, der kombinerer PlanetTogethers APS- og AVEVA MES-funktioner. Denne integrerede løsning kan hjælpe dig med at håndtere udfordringer i forbindelse med produktionsplanlægning og tidsplanlægning.

Er du interesseret i at høre mere om denne integrerede løsning? Ring til Roima for at aftale en demo.



Gantt chart - heart of the scheduling tool

Stay in total control of your inventory: Plan smart and stay lean

Optimize the schedule and focus on exceptions

Explore options with scenarios

Labor planning

Planlægning i forhold til prognoser


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